| We are the characters that bring joy to all the corners of my land El Salvador Prontito, Chirajito, Pizarrin and Uncle Periquito all from kindergarden we are the characters that bring joy to all the corners from my land El Salvador Prontito, Chirajito, Pizarrin and Uncle Periquito all from kindergarden How beautiful, how beautiful, how beautiful my country Oh friends, you know what? How so well you all behave and since you behave well you have the right to nice and good things I'm going to present you with a caricature how beautiful for me you deserve it also. Here I am going to present 101 dalmatians let's see them let's see them.
Credits Song: Salvadoran children's song Music video: Courtesy of ikibanvuelve Text & translation: Diego Ferrari Selected by: Diego Ferrari Copyright: Fair use principle, for educational purposes. |