| Pear tree standing in a wide field Your top is turning green. Under the tree, a horse grazes Gaze upon him my dear. Under the tree, a horse grazes Gaze upon him my dear. Why do you my dear graze today, from dawn till dusk. Wherever you go, my dear I will go with you. Wherever you go, my dear I will go with you. Oh I am going very far Beyond the deep waters. If only I had never met Such blackeyed virgins. If only I had never met Such blackeyed virgins.
Credits Song: Czech folk song Arranger: Coleman Jaz Artist: Čechomor Music video: Courtesy of Km9Lucy Text & translation: Mentiri on lyricstranslate.com (ed. H.M.) Hosted by: Droomwevers World of Music - www.droomwevers.nl Copyright: Fair use principle, for educational purposes. |