| Vrabiuta Cip cip cip La cap oare ce-ai patit? Ia, ce sa patesc? Am fost din nou lacomioara, Am vrut o semincioara Si-un con m-a lovit. Vrabiuta, vrabioara, De ce esti tu lacomioara? Au, tu nu stii oare Ca-s destule semincioare? Vrabiuta Cip cip cip La aripa ce-ai patit? Ia, ce sa patesc? Am fost din nou lacomioara, Am vrut o semincioara Dintr-un cactus mic. Vrabiuta, vrabioara, De ce esti tu lacomioara? Au, tu nu stii oare Ca-s destule semincioare? Vrabiuta Cip cip cip La picior ce ai patit? Ia, ce sa patesc? Am fost din nou lacomioara, Am vrut o semincioara De-o piatra m-am lovit. Vrabiuta, vrabioara, De ce esti tu lacomioara? Au, tu nu stii oare Ca-s destule semincioare? Vrabiuta Cip cip cip La burtica ce-ai patit? Ia ce sa patesc? Nici eu nu stiu de ce oare Am mancat semincioare Pana am plesnit. Vrabiuta, vrabioara, De ce esti tu lacomioara? Au, tu nu stii oare Ca-s destule semincioare? |
| Little sparrow Chip Chip Chip What happened to your head? Come on, what can happen to me? I was greedy again, I wanted a seed And a cone hit me. Little sparrow, little sparrow, Why are you so greedy? Or don’t you know? There are enough seeds. Little sparrow Chip Chip Chip What happened to your wing? Come on, what can happen to me? I was greedy again, I wanted a seed From a tiny cactus tree. Little sparrow, little sparrow, Why are you so greedy? Or don’t you know? There are enough seeds. Little sparrow Chip Chip Chip What happened to your leg? Come on, what can happen to me? I was greedy again, I wanted a seed I hit a rock. Little sparrow, little sparrow, Why are you so greedy? Or don’t you know? There are enough seeds. Little sparrow Chip Chip Chip What happened to your belly? Come on, what can happen to me? I really don’t know either Why did I eat seeds Until I snapped. Little sparrow, little sparrow, Why are you so greedy? Or don’t you know? There are enough seeds.
Credits Song: Romanian children´s song Animation: Courtesy of Paradisul Vesel TV Lyrics: Kirine Vocals: Kirine si Mihail Romanian transcription and English translation: Ecaterina Hoogmoed-Gusin