| Una noche a lunar, Yo sali a kaminar, Kaminando i bushkando, Ondo se topa la mar. Los ojos mi si abufarun, Di tanto mirar a la mar, Vapores ya van i vyenen, Letras para mi no ay. Letras alegras resiviremos, I las karas mos veremos, En un nido durmiremos, Presto mos adjuntaremos. Madre miya la mi madre, Un suenyo mi sonyava, Un suenyo mi sonyava, Ke la gera se skapava. |
| One moonlit night, I went for a stroll, Strolling and searching, For the sea. My eyes became swollen, From staring into the sea, And the ships, coming and going There are no letters for me. We will receive happy letters, We will see each others faces, And we will sleep in one nest, We will be reunited. Mother mine, my mother One dream I dreamed, One dream I dreamed, That the war was over.
Credits Song: Ladino folk song Artist: Flory Jagoda (Flora Kabilio) Music video: Courtesy of TURKKNCL Text & translation: líadan on lyricstranslate.com Copyright: Fair use principle, for educational purposes. |