| Strider, water strider on the water. I go sailing with nothing, no outrigger. Not a paddle, but just my arm flapping. And crazily I'm falling once I get to shore. In this Promised Land how clear the water. Clearly we want peace, native or stranger. But one day the dark clouds rained bullets. Life and livelihood were all broken and lost. Here in Mindanao we used to have a house. What used to be the house of our ancestors. They were gatherers of rattan and bamboo. To trade for little fishes from t he sea. Once a father tilled the land peacefully. Helping mother tend the land they loved. Once a little child dreamed of going to school. But instead war and sickness were the rule. Come and look and understand. The beetles and the crickets make so much noise. It is broadcast all over the radio and the news It is broadcast all over, it is broadcast all over It is broadcast all over the radio and the news It is broadcast all over But they can't hear the people's voice. ohhhhh ohhhhh ohhhh...
Credits Song: Philippine Folk Song Texts & music video: Courtesy of InternationalAlert English transcription: H. Muldrow