ताती वाओ ना लगई पार बह्म सरणा Hot wind blows not over him who is under the protection of the Supreme Lord
Original text
ताती वाओ ना लगई पार बह्म सरणाई चौगिर्द हमारे राम कार दुख लगे ना भाई सतगुर पूरा भेटेया, जिन बणत बणाई राम नाम औखद दिया, एका लिव लाई राख लिए तिन रखणहार, सब ब्याद मिटाई कहो नानक कृपा भई, प्रभ भए सहाई
English Translation
Hot wind blows not over him who is under the protection of the Supreme Lord. On all four sides I'm surrounded by Lord's circle of protection and so pain does not afflict me, oh siblings of destiny. I have met the Perfect True Guru who has done this deed. He has blessed me with the medicine of the Lord's name as a remedy and I'm in tune with Him now. The Protector - Lord has saved me and eradicated all my sickness. Nanak says, "The Lord has showered me with his Mercy; He has become my help and support."
Credits Song: Nepali prayer for everyone around the world Artist: Gulraj Singh Animation: Courtesy of Harshdeep Kaur Nepali transcription and English translation: Harshdeep Kaur