| Beautifully sounds the siren, Goodbye our land. At the mast of the ship The flag is sweetly waving. A mariner's world is far and wide It's not simply skies and seas His eye notices the future He affronts lightings himself. Refrain: Across the seas of five continents Our ship navigates upright Our mariner hearts Are five-pointed stars. Across the seas and oceans A sailing fortress. The mariner song thunders For the fatherland and the Party We long for the homeland For the children, for the home. That's why the mariner's portrait Reflects brightly through the waves. Well-wishing friends around the world We find in every port. Albania, they call loudly With fist up they honor us. Refrain: Albania, Albania Our proud ship sails Our mariner hearts Are five-pointed stars. Across the seas of five continents Our proud ship sails Our mariner hearts Are five-pointed stars. Across the seas and oceans A sailing fortress. The mariner song thunders For the fatherland and the Party.
Credits Song: Albanian folk song Composer/artist: Agron Xhunga Textwriter: Petraq Risto Featuring artists: Shaban Shabani, Luan Sula Music video: lirard Text & translation: Yuiop75 on lyricstranslate.com Hosted by: Droomwevers World of Music - www.droomwevers.nl Copyright: Fair use principle, for educational purposes.