| Bel Lingaz Dla Uma Cara, Tan bun sona nosc Ladin! Ci ligrëza sënti‚ mpara, Sciöch’i l‘ami zënza fin! To bun sonn canch’i ê te cöna Mia uma m‘insignâ, M‘à fat gnì la buna löna cun so bel ciantè Ladin. (x2) Tö m‘mostrâs cun gran ligrëza Mia patria da amè, Sü eroi y süa belëza da conësce y da ciantè. Espresciun dl cör che ama, Guida al-alt dl sentimënt, T'as nudrì la santa flama che m‘à fat insciö contënt. (x2) Sciöche ciantia bela y fina De n calander ligherzin Sona vigni usc ladina Pröm salüt de mi destin. Chërda mile recordanzes, Adalerch dl tëmp passè. Tëgn tres vies les speranzes che mi cör à Ralegré. (x2) |
| Beautiful mother tongue dear, How harmonious our Ladin is! What joy I feel and learn, I love her so much, endlessly! When your beautiful harmony rocked me, That my mother taught me, It gave me the good will to sing Ladin. (x2) You showed me with great joy My homeland to love, Her heroes and her beauty To be conescere and to sing. Expression of the loving heart, Guide from the top of feeling, The holy flame that made me so happy fed you. (x2) What a beautiful and fine song Of a cheerful time Every Ladin voice plays First farewell to my fate Recall a thousand memories, To itself of the past time. It keeps alive the hopes that my heart has cheered. (x2)
Credits Song: Anthem Of Historical Region Of Ladinia (Italy) Composers: Iarone Chizzali, André Comploi & Bruno Rives Text & English translation: lyricstranslate.com Music video: Courtesy of Uniun Ladins Val Badia ULVB