| E mi me ne so' ‘ndao donde che 'i feva i goti ziogando la spineta ai altri ciochi. Mi go de le fugasse, de quele de Malghera, go caminao par tera fin a Fusina. Dal trasto a la sentina co’ un batelin da s-ciopo andevo de galopo a la Zueca. Go caminao la seca tuta la pescaria, go da' la popa indrìo ai do castei. Go visto l’orto dei Abrei co’ tute le Vignole, da le Vignole indrìo me so’ reduto. Go caminao par tuto, go visto un buraneo, l’aveva un bel çestelo a l’ha mostrao. E mi me ne so' ‘ndao donde ch' 'i feva le scuèle, ziogando la spineta le done bele. |
| And I am gone where they make glasses, play the spinet and other games. I have some focaccia Other than those of Marghera, I walked on the ground up to Fusina. From transverse to axis with a hunting boat I went at a gallop to Giudecca. I walked through the dryness, Through the whole fish market, I rowed back towards the two Castles. I saw the Jewish cemetery with all the Vignole, Returned from Vignole I'm back. I've walked everywhere, I saw an inhabitant of Burano Who had a nice basket And showed it to me. And I am gone where the bowls are made where they play the spinet the beautiful women.
Credits Song: Venetian folk song Composer: Stefano Scutari Lyrics: Stefano Scutari Artist: Stefano Scutari Music video: Courtesy of Stefano Scutari Text: lyricstranslate.com English translation: H. Muldrow