| Ainult õhk on me vahel nii puhas ja hõre, et üleni päris sind näen Ent ses õhus on ees valgest valgusest võre ja ma kardan, et sirutad käe Ref: Ja tuuli vaid tunned, sest mind ju ei ole Tuul on kõikjal ja tuules üks lind sulle laulab, et midagi muutunud pole Ära taipa, et polegi mind Minu juured on kevadet ootamas mullas, ise lendan kesk taevast ja lund Vahel helbena suudan su juurdegi tulla ja sa näed minust heledat und Ref: Kuid tuuli vaid tunned... Ära püüa mind kutsuda, valjusti hüüda ma ju kuulen, kuid tulla ei saa Mind ei ole veel olemas sinule nüüd ja endas hoiab mind külmunud maa Sina hellita tuuli, sest mind ju ei ole Tuul on kõikjal, hell sinine tuul Ära kutsu mind, ma niigi sinuga olen lumehelbena sulan su suul |
| Between us is only air so clean and so sparse, that I see all of you. Though, in the air there's a grid of white light and I'm afraid you'll reach your hand. And only feel winds, because I'm not there Wind is everywhere and in it, sings a bird to you that nothing has changed. Please don't notice that I'm not thete My roots are in the dirt, waiting for spring. I, myself, am flying midst the sky and snow. Sometimes I can even come to you as a snowflake And you shall see a bright dream of me. And only feel winds, because I'm not there Wind is everywhere and in it, sings a bird to you that nothing has changed. Please don't notice that I'm not thete Don't try to call for me, shout my name out loud. I hear you, but I'm unable to come. I'm no longer there for you, and the frozen earth holds me in it's grasp. Just caress the winds, because I don't exist any more. The wind is everywhere, gentle blue breeze. Don't call for me, I'm there with you anyway. Melting in your mouth as a snowflake
Credits Song: Estonian classical pop song Music: Valter Ojakäär Lyrics: Leelo Tungal (poet) Artist: Helgi Sallo Music video: Helgi Sallo Text & translation: RLemur on lyricstranslate.com Hosted by: Droomwevers World of Music - www.droomwevers.nl Copyright: Fair use principle, for educational purposes. |