| A ema gemeu no tronco do juremá Foi um sinal bem triste, morena Fiquei a imaginar Será que é o nosso amor, morena Que vai se acabar? Você bem sabe, que a ema quando canta Traz no meio do seu canto um bocado de azar Eu tenho medo, morena, eu tenho medo Pois acho que é muito cedo Pra essa amor acabar Vem morena, vem, vem, vem Me beijar, me beijar Dá um beijo, dá um beijo Pra esse medo, se acabar |
| The emu moaned in the trunk of the jurema tree It was such a sad sign, dark-haired woman That I began to imagine Might it be that our love, dark-haired woman Is coming to an end? You know all to well, that when the emu sings In brings in the middle of its song a mouthful of bad luck I have fear, dark-haired woman, I have fear Well I think it's far too early For this love to end Come dark-haired woman, come, come, come Kiss me, kiss me Give me a kiss, give me a kiss For this fear to end.
Credits Song: Brazilian Portuguese song Writers: Alventino Cavalcante, Ayres Viana, Joao Valle Artist: Arirê Music video: Courtesy of Arirê Text & translation: O.A. Ramos on lyricstranslate.com Hosted by: Droomwevers World of Music - www.droomwevers.nl Copyright: Fair use principle, for educational purposes. |