| Tankarchay, kiskachay, morado sisascha. Amayá t'ipayawaychu q'ala chakichaypi, pobrella kaspaymi, waqchalla kaspaymi, q'ala chakichantin purikamusani / purikamushkani. Habaspas sisayuq, mollepas ruruyuq, ¿chaychus mana ñuqa, ch'ullayuqchu kayman? ¿Chaychus mana ñuqa, yanayuqchu kayman? Tankarchay kiskachay, ama kiskawaychu Tankarcito, kiska pallawaspa yuyarichiwanky khuyasqay chu'llayta yuyarichiwanky. Mayu patachapi, verde retamita ch'ulla saphi kaspa waqachiwasanki / waqachiwashkanki, achka rama kaspa llakichiwasanki / llakichiwashkanki. |
| Tankarcito, espinito, cute little purple cocoon. Don't leave me with bare feet, Since I am poor, since I am needy, with bare feet I come walking. The broad beans also with their buds, also the tree with its fruits, So why not me, shouldn´t I have someone to love? So why not me, shouldn´t I have someone to love? Tankarcito, espinito, do not beat me, when you withdraw the thorns you make me remember my adored loved one, you make me remember. On the river bank, green broom having a single root you make me cry, for having many branches you cause me pain.
Credits Song: Quechua folk song Artist: Sylvia Falcón Music video: Courtesy of KillaLluqsimun Text & translation: lyricstranslate.com / H.M. Hosted by: Droomwevers World of Music - www.droomwevers.nl Copyright: Fair use principle, for educational purposes. |