| Everyone is ready at the big bee party Willie comes running, he was almost late There is music all night from our bee band Flip hits the beat with full force He is the conductor And then Maya calls Grab your chance now From sjoebidoe and sjoebidee We do the Maya Dance Then we'll spin around Shubidoebidoe Then we'll wave Shubidoebidee Then we'll jump Shubidoebidoe Then we'll sing Until the morning comes again What could be more fun than dancing together All animals large and small are impatiently ready Listen and pay attention soon the start signal will come Yes, the tension is rising Now all be quiet And then Maya calls Grab your chance now From sjoebidoe and sjoebidee We do the Maya Dance Then we'll spin around Shubidoebidoe Then we'll wave Shubidoebidee Then we'll jump Shubidoebidoe Then we'll sing Until the morning comes again If only this dance never came to an end But when the sun comes up again, the party is over Then I'll shed a tear One of sadness But we won't think about that yet Then we'll spin around Shubidoebidoe Then we'll wave Shubidoebidee Then we'll jump Shubidoebidoe Then we'll sing Until the morning comes again
Credits Song: Dutch children's song Composers: Karel Svoboda & James Last Music video: Courtesy of Maya de Bij Text: Genius.com Translation: Henk de Mol (ed. J.O.) Copyright: Fair use principle, for educational purposes. |