| ¡Ay! que bonito es volar a las dos de la mañana a las dos de la mañana ¡ay! que bonito es volar, ¡ay mamá! A volar y dejarse caer en los brazos de una dama, ay! que bonito es volar, a las dos de la mañana, ¡ay mamá!. Me agarra la bruja me lleva a su casa, me vuelve maceta y una calabaza. Me agarra la bruja me lleva al cerrito, me vuelve maceta y un calabazito. ¡Ay! dígame, dígame, dígame usted, ¿cuántas criaturitas se ha chupado usted? Ninguna, ninguna, ninguna no sé, ando en pretenciones de chuparme a usted. ¡Ay! me espantó una mujer, ¿a dónde? en medio del mar salado, en medio del mar salado, ¡ay! me espantó una mujer, ¡ay mamá! ¿Por qué no queria creer lo que otros me habian contado? lo de arriba era mujer y lo de abajo pezcado, ¡ay mamá! Cuando a mi mujer la encuentro acostada le jalo las colchas no me dice nada cuando a mi mujer la encuentro durmiendo le jalo las colchas y salgo corriendo ¡Ay! dígame, dígame dígame usted ¿cuántas criaturitas se ha chupado usted? Ninguna, ninguna ninguna no sé, ando en pretenciones de chuparme a usted. A la bruja me encontre en el aire iba volando en el aire iba volando a la bruja me encontré, ¡ay mamá! Entonces le pregunté: que ¿a quién andaba buscando? me dijo: ¿Quién es usted? soy cantador de huapango, ¡ay mamá! Escóndete Chepa, escóndete Juana, que ahí anda la bruja debajo de la cama. Escóndete Chepa escóndete Joba, que ahí anada la bruja volando en su escoba. ¡Ay! dígame, dígame dígame usted ¿cuántas criaturitas se ha chupado usted? Ninguna, ninguna ninguna no sé, ando en pretenciones de chuparme a usted. |
| Oh! how wonderful it is to fly at two in the morning at two in the morning oh! how wonderful it is to fly, oh woman! To fly and let yourself fall in the arms of a lady, oh! how wonderful it is to fly at two in the morning, oh woman! The witch grabs me she takes me to her house she turns me into a pot and into a pumpkin. The witch grabs me she takes me to the little hill she turns me into a pot and into a little pumpkin. Oh! you must tell me, tell me, tell me how many little ones have you drank from? None, none none, I don't know I just want to drink from you. Oh! I was frightened by a woman, where? in the middle of the salty sea in the middle of the salty sea oh! I was frightened by a woman, oh woman! Why didn't I want to believe what others had told me? from above she was a woman from below she was a fish, oh woman! When I found my wife lying down I pulled the covers, she says nothing when I found my wife asleep I pulled the covers and I ran out. Oh! you must tell me, tell me, tell me how many little ones have you drank from? None, none none, I don't know I just want to drink from you. I found the witch she was flying in the wind she was flying in the wind I found the witch, oh woman! So I asked her: "who are you looking for?" she replied: "who are you?" "I'm a huapango singer, oh woman!" Hide your happiness, hide Juana, there's a witch underneath the bed. Hide your happiness hide Joba, there's a witch out there flying on her broom. Oh! you must tell me, tell me, tell me how many little ones have you drank from? None, none none, I don't know I just want to drink from you.
Credits Song: Traditional Mexican folk song Music video: Courtesy of isisxxx95 Text & translation: líadan on lyricstranslate.com Copyright: Fair use principle, for educational purposes. |