| Tajinan kolin tajinan, mu xch'ay ta ajol atajimol, tajimol k'analetik, tajimol k'anal. Tajinan xchi'uk toketik, xchi'uk kol tajinan tok, jo'one yipal xitajin likel xchi'uk le k'ak'ale. K'analetik tajinanik xchi'uk anene' itz'inik, k'analetik tajinanik ta anil, ta anil. Tajinan xchi'uk pat-o'nton li' xvilet k'ucha'luk pepen, xchi'uk jtze'e tajinan. Tajinan kolin, ta'ak ak'ob xchi'uk k'anale, likanikxa ta tajimol. Tajinan, chutkolin, tajimol, k'anal. |
| Play, son, play don't forget your game, game of stars, the game of the star. Play with the clouds, play with my son, cloud; I start to play with the sun. Stars, play with my lil' brother, Starts, play quick, quick. Play with the hope, that flies as a butterfly, play with my laugh. Play, son take with your hands the star start the game. Play, son, play stars.
Credits Song: Mexican folk song Artists: Tonana & Gómez Pérez Music video: Courtesy of Tonana Text & translation: sacdegemecs on lyricstranslate.com Copyright: Fair use principle, for educational purposes. |