| Ant and Roach Ba Tutu Ba Tutu Patubato Ba Tutu Ba Tutu Patubato Ba Tutu Ba Tutu Patubato Ba tutu Ba tutu In the warmth, between the blankets a cockroach sang melodies Ba tutu ba tutu patubato flanked by colors An ant stood advising him hoping that one day it would benefit him Don't waste your time cockroach. Summer is here soon Store part of what you earn. The warmth of summer day will go away What will you do when you are hungry. It is unbelievable to live and play It does not make sense to live and play The cockroach sang and did not hear. No no no no no no no The field is not satiated. No no no no no no no no Come on come dance in the cool weather we'll have fun Days passed, and the ants were gathering on the edges of the field And the cockroach there sings. He doesn't care and doesn't work Summer has gone and winter has come. The field has no food I'm hungry so listen my body feels sick His body feels sick The cockroach feels cold. No no no no no no no Looking for food and spinning. No no no no no no no He whispers in regret and says: If he had only saved his food Ba Toto Ba Toto Ba Toto Ba Toto Ba Toto Ba Toto He went to the ant burrow sad, he asked for food like a poor person The ants let him enter and honored him. The bounty of the ants became a debtor The ants said you may stay with us. We warned you but you did not listen to us To save time and distress so that you can help us So that you can help us Ba tutu Ba tutu
Credits Song: Arabic children's song Music video: Courtesy of Osratouna tv - قناة أسرتنا Text: Osratouna tv - قناة أسرتنا Translation: Google Translation Copyright: Fair use principle, for educational purposes. |