| Cococo, and it is the time of dawn, shouting He waits for the sun on a fence. He does that every morning The fox said to him: How hard and diligent your work is Nobody appreciates what you are doing. Let me repent today Malik, don't go to sleep, take a day off No one will ever feel guilt or blame, Coco Coco Coco Coco The rooster saw him cunning in the coop with the young chickens This is my job, I wake them up, don't go near the wall of the house The fox said, Don't do me wrong, I came to advise you. You are alone on the fence, I pity you, believe me The rooster stood with a red mane, the dawn loomed, it lit up Cococo Coco Coco the rooster crowed and repeated The fox shrank in terror, no, no, don't wake up from the noise Lower your voice arrogant Coco I'm leaving you Coco Coco Coco Coco
Credits Song: Arabic children's song Music video: Courtesy of Osratouna tv - قناة أسرتنا Text: Osratouna tv - قناة أسرتنا Translation: Google Translation Copyright: Fair use principle, for educational purposes. |