| I weep I swear to you all, I weep The Protector called on me, and I ended up a singer What can I do, if it's been fated? He alone is the Great Giver of Gifts Who wishes to stay up at night and travel On the wings of longing To search for a shining, faraway star? Who? Who, if they had the Land of the Hour [Heaven] described to them, Would then be found with their caravans, crossing the wastelands all night [to get to it]... ...[and] singing the song with al-Hardallu? I weep...I would sell this world, all of it Neighbored by springs of goodness [Springs that show] grace to the good-hearted I'd fly above all the eye can see Goodbye, world! Oh, my world! I would stretch out and lay down atop a pillow of longing And sleep comfortably, with a clear mind And relive the days of my youth once more Since You don't cry, I will I'll imitate the rainy season, crying in the middle of autumn The weight of my burdens breaks the camel's back I wander through the desert at night Leaving everything to You You who pushes away the darkness, O God! If the smile's light shines upon me The fields of desire will begin to bloom And deep down, I hear ululations like the sound of a flute I weep... If I haven't seen good people wading along like me Wading along, like a flock of baby swans You'll find my heart jumping in joy Jumping in joy...when they wade along like me How unfortunate... How unfortunate is the one who once guided others! Now it is he who is lost, searching for a guide Because of those people, I weep Because of people like that, I weep I weep
Credits Song: Arabic folk song Artist: Mohammed Wardi Music video: Courtesy of The Sounds of Sudan Text & translation: soundsofsudan on lyricstranslate.com Copyright: Fair use principle, for educational purposes. |