| The most beautiful country, the most beautiful country The most beautiful country in the world is my country, the most beautiful country Towards Upper Egypt O sailor, fetch me and take me These are my people and my friends And they are my talismans that protect me In this land, the history of my ancestors A present that is linked to the past One million and one tales And they are all about the love of my country The most beautiful country, the most beautiful country The most beautiful country in the world is my country, the most beautiful country Your Nile is our soul, O my country Wherever it flows it greets us From the time this world was created It has been running through your soil On your banks, in the valley A civilization that I tell my children about One million and one tales And they are all about the love of my country The most beautiful country, the most beautiful country The most beautiful country in the world is my country, the most beautiful country
Credits Song: Arabic folk song Artist: Hend El-Rawy Music video: Courtesy of Sada Elbalad - صدى البلد Text & translation: Mitwaly on lyricstranslate.com Copyright: Fair use principle, for educational purposes. |