: Uganda
Nabbubi Yazimba
The itsy bitsy spider

Original text

Nabbubi Yazimba
ku muti omuwaanvu
Enkuba yatonnya Nabbubi yaggwa
Tuzze okulamusa Ssaabasajja Kabaka
Emmanga mu Kampala kumpi ne Nakivubo
Emmotoka zisimbye layini zazo
One two one two tudduka emisinde
One two one two ng’abasirikale
Musajja mugoowa simbula ekiziyiiza
Bwezuu bwezuu ngatwegyaawo

English Translation

The spider built up a tall tree
Down came the rain and the spider fell.
We have come to the city to greet the King
The cars are lining up
One two one two
We run like soldiers
Dear driver ignite the car
Zoom zoom
And off we go

Song: Luganda children's song
Luganda text: Courtesy of Nkoza & Nankya
Animation & English lyrics: Courtesy of Mukwano Gwabato
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